The cooperative partner one-off purchases right of use of current site of Zhengzhou Intermediate People's Court, office building and judgement building, negotiate for the price. 合作方一次买断法院现院址和办公楼、审判楼使用权,具体受让金额面谈。
Since 2003, a new rural cooperative medical and treatment service system has being implemented in some rural areas, and the experiment site effect is being waited for. 2003年起部分农村地区试点推行新型农村合作医疗制度,试点的效果将拭目以待。
There are three possible mechanisms for synergistic regulation: interaction between activators, cooperative binding of activators to DNA upstream sites and cooperative interaction of site bound activators with GTM ( general transcriptional machinery) components. 多个激活蛋白之间的相互作用、激活蛋白与各DNA位点的协同结合以及激活蛋白与转录机器的协同作用,三种途径都对协同性转录激活行为产生影响。
Cooperative Office System and Portal Site System of Bureau of Press and Publication. 协同办公系统和新闻出版局门户网站系统。